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I am experienced in Adobe Premiere, script writing, directing, and production. I regularly direct video and photoshoots and produce Reels for social media. My past video experience includes employee interviews, corporate events, products & services, and manufacturing processes and highlights.
INnovative Collaborations
The typical process with the media companies I work with is scheduling the video shoot, directing the video shoot, and receiving raw footage, which I would watch entirely, time stamp, and send a detailed shot sheet back to the media company with directions for production, audio, and effects.
In addition to these videos below, check out our Reels on Instagram!
You can see me at 0:47 directing the drone shot with the media company!
IC Development
IC Development posts more raw footage of the construction & development process.
In addition to these videos below, check out our Reels on Instagram!
Tech Etch Videos
For copyright/ownership reasons, I am not able to publish many of the interviews, product videos, and manufacturing process videos I filmed & edited for Tech Etch in Plymouth, MA. But click on the images below for their Facebook & Vimeo accounts to see my work from 2021-2023!
Facebook Videos
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